Wednesday 16 July 2008

News Stories (16/07/08)

Immigration 'harming communities' (BBC News) - [text online]

UN head urges Sudan to co-operate (BBC News) - [text online]

Tsvangirai seeks wider mediation (BBC News) - [text online]

Immigrants have changed England's countryside, claims report (The Daily Telegraph) - [text online]

Christian doctrine offensive to Muslims, says Archbishop of Canterbury (The Daily Telegraph) - [text online]

Revealed: How Guantanamo pushes inmates to the edge (The Independent) - [text online]

Reprieve for 'model' student who was sent back to Nigeria (The Independent) - [text online]

MPs warn of 'disturbances' over migrants (The Independent) - [text online]

World Focus: Going after Sudan's President is a bold step, but also a massive risk (The Independent) - [text online]

Sudan warns ICC legal process could harm Darfur peace (ReliefWeb) - [text online]

The kitchen classes (The Guardian) - [text online]

Migrants' fund a drop in the ocean, say MPs (The Guardian) - [text online]

Indonesia accepts guilt over East Timor human rights abuses (The Guardian) - [text online]

Urban refugees from Côte d'Ivoire move to camp (UNHCR News) - [text online]

UN envoy to return to Myanmar next month (UN News) - [text online]

Situation in Sudan calm following ICC announcement, UN missions report (UN News) - [text online]

Ban hopes truth panel’s report will foster justice, reconciliation in Timor-Leste (UN News) - [text online]

Discrimination against Roma in Italy worries UN rights experts (UN News) - [text online]

Somalia: UN voices grave concern after more aid workers are killed (UN News) - [text online]

SOUTH AFRICA: "Is there a virus in the house?"
(IRIN News) - [text online]

Selected News Sources:

BBC News -

The Times Online -

The Telegraph -

The Independent -

The Guardian: Special News Reports on Immigration & Refugees:,,1397447,00.html

UNHCR News -

UN News Centre -

ReliefWeb -

Reuters AlertNet -

Posted in: News.

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