Tuesday 12 August 2008

News Stories (12/08/08)

Assaults add pressure on Georgia (BBC News) - [text online]

UN helicopter fired on in Darfur (BBC News) - [text online]

Russian troops take first steps deep into Georgian territory (The Daily Telegraph) - [text online]

Georgian army flees in disarray as Russians advance (The Times) - [text online]

Russia tightens the noose (The Independent) - [text online]

Russian leadership: Putin in his element as successor is left in back seat (The Independent) - [text online]

Beleaguered president: Gambler who risked his country and links with West (The Independent) - [text online]

Mary Dejevsky: Intervention may breed instability (The Independent) - [text online]

London's Jewish radio station closes after Galloway sues (The Independent) - [text online]

Georgia/Russia: Do Not Attack Civilians in South Ossetia (Human Rights Watch) - [text online]

Guatemala: 12 years after conflict, few solutions for ISPs or other victims (IDMC) - [Full Overview (html/pdf)]

Zimbabwe: Rights group urges SADC to make end to ongoing abuses (ReliefWeb) - [text online]

DR Congo: Former "Triangle of Death" becomes source of hope again (ReliefWeb) - [text online]

Georgia: ICRC makes USD 7.4m preliminary emergency appeal (ReliefWeb) - [text online]

Horn of Africa at tipping point warns ActionAid (ReliefWeb) - [text online]

Philippines: Nearly 130,000 displaced due to fierce clashes in south (ReliefWeb) - [text online]

Sudan: Former foes not fully withdrawn from Abyei despite plan aimed at defusing tensions (ReliefWeb) - [text online]

UNHCR airlifting humanitarian aid for displaced from South Ossetia conflict (UNHCR) - [text online]

South Ossetia situation (UNHCR) - [text online]

October concert for late tenor Pavarotti to benefit Afghans (UNHCR) - [text online]

PricewaterhouseCoopers donates $4 million to educate Darfur's refugees (UNHCR) - [text online]

For aid agencies, security comes at a price (Refugees Intertnational) - [text online]

BURUNDI: Séraphine Ngendakumana - "I have never been home, I know nobody"
(IRIN News) - [text online]

Clashes with Muslim rebels in Philippines displace thousands (Christian Science Monitor) - [text online]

YEMEN: Thousands of IDPs face difficult conditions - ICRC
(IRIN News) - [text online]

ISRAEL: Eritrean asylum-seekers told to leave Tel Aviv area
(IRIN News) - [text online]

Selected News Sources:

BBC News - http://news.bbc.co.uk/

The Times Online - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/

The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/

The Independent - http://www.independent.co.uk/

The Guardian: Special News Reports on Immigration & Refugees: http://www.guardian.co.uk/immigration/0,,1397447,00.html

UNHCR News - http://www.unhcr.org/news.html

UN News Centre - http://www.un.org/news/

ReliefWeb - http://www.reliefweb.int

Reuters AlertNet - http://www.alertnet.org/

Posted in: News.

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